Our Walker EMT Team would like everyone to be prepared ahead of time, for any medical/ emergency situation. Follow the list below to prepare you, your loved ones, and your home.
Can an ambulance park close to the house? Can a neighbor move a car for you?
Can the Med. team get a stretcher in your home? Are the stairs cleared, furniture moved so we can get through? Which door would make it easier?
Have a list of the medications you take. We will want to take the medications with you to the hospital most of the time.
Have a list of your allergies to medications, and your medical history written down. I can’t tell you how many times patience “forget” to tell us they’re diabetic or have a past heart condition.
Have a list of phone numbers of family or friends that you want notified, that you’re in the hospital. Even though you know the number by heart, when we’re stressed, we can forget!
If you had all of the above in one place, how easy it would be to scoop it all up and take it with you.
Let us know you have pets, so we can ask someone to take care of them.
When you see the ambulance leave with the patient, please don’t let the remaining family member drive to the hospital alone, even if it’s in the middle of the night, go with them…..you’ll earn your “angel wings”.
And remember……if calling EMT (911) after dark, put on all lights in the house and yard, if possible, and call a neighbor to direct our EMT’s to the site with a flashlight.
Be sure your house numbers are at the end of your driveway, in plain site, and readable.