What is the WFPA Water Use Agreement and why is it needed?
Wait, my property doesn’t have a hydrant! What will my Walker Fire Department do for water in the event of a fire?? Great question and one of the biggest shortfalls of rural fire departments. The WFPA has two water “tenders” which are always filled with 2,000 gallons of water each, in addition a few hundred gallons stored on first response fire trucks. Since we do not have piped water to hydrants, the tenders must transport water to the fire trucks and once emptied, must refill and repeat the process as quickly and safely as possible.
Where do the tenders get their water?
The fire station has 10,000 gallons of stored water and there are some local private contract water tender owners that might be able to respond in the event of need. Otherwise, the WFPA tenders must make their way down Walker Road to refill in Prescott, a long and timely process using precious minutes. And in the event of fire, the water in the tenders and at the station will surely be used up very quickly.
Isn’t there anywhere closer the WFPA might access water??
YES and you might be the answer depending on where a fire incident occurs. The WFPA knows there are water ponds, reservoirs, contract tenders and private water tanks scattered throughout our community. But two things must happen before our thirsty tenders can effectively use local water. First, the WFPA must have authorization in advance and then they have to map this authorized water by address/GPS points to know where it is when they need it.
I want to help!
That’s great. You can get your completed, signed Water Use Agreement to the WFPA by either: 1) email to walker-gis@walkerfire.org and copy to fire-chief@walkerfire.org or, print the form from the website (SEE TOP OF THIS PAGE), complete and sign and mail to WFPA-Water Use Agreement, PO Box 10174, Prescott, AZ 86304. In either case, we will register your agreement and location for future use if needed. The WFPA and the Walker community thanks you in advance as this simple task can make the difference of several minutes in a fire situation and help save your property or a neighbors.