Winter Checklist Followup

The other day we put out some things to think about for this winter in the event of a very snowy winter. We had some folks send in more suggestions which we wanted to share. If you have other suggestions feel free to comment on our Facebook page
1. Get a week or two ahead on any prescriptions you take
2. Have extra food and drinking water on hand
3. If you have water tank, make sure to get it filled b4 any forecasted snow storms
4. Ditto propane
5. Extra gasoline if that’s the type of generator you have
6. A cheap sled for groceries in case you can’t park at your house
7. Get a new snow shovel or two
8. Get crampons for shoes, ground level falls are serious and cheap crampons are as low as $15 on Amazon
Roger Nusbaum
Fire Chief